Sunday, April 15, 2012


I really enjoyed learning about the GAME Plan process.  It seems like a very easy to use tool that can be implemented in any aspect of teaching.  I can use it for myself when I set goals or for my students as well.  I created two goals in my game plan to help my students and myself.  My first goal was to evaluate and reflect upon current research and professional practice as well as looking at existing and emerging digital tools and resources to support student learning.  I was able to observe a teacher and ask him questions about the various ways he implements technology in his classroom.  I was also able to get a tour and observed an early start high school that was overflowing with technology.  Although I did not learn about new technologies, I did learn about existing technologies and how they can be implemented more efficiently in the classroom.   

I know that I have come a long way with what I have learned in this program and it has already impacted my instructional practice.  I have started to use many concepts with my students.  I would like to use online collaboration more with my students.  The students really enjoy the opportunity to work outside of the classroom and share their ideas with their classmates.  The students seemed to have a better sense of what it meant to share their ideas with each other.  I was getting input from students who would not normally offer any suggestions, comments, or ideas in class.  I was able to see where students still needed support in math.

There are many things that I would immediately like to begin.  One of the things is using digital storytelling more frequently.  The students really seem interested in doing their best when given the opportunity to come to the computer to record their voice or type.  While the students are taking their state test, I will be working on a Native American unit.  I will bring in the online collaboration component so my students will again have the opportunity to work from home on this project.  This time, I will let the students choose their group and see how it goes with them having that freedom.  One final thing that I would like to do, is share this information with my colleagues.  Many of them are afraid of technology.   If they could just see how much more engaged the students are, how much more effort the students put into their work, and learn, I know they would be just as excited as I am about technology in the classroom. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monitoring My Game Plan

My first goal was to evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice as well as looking at existing and emerging digital tools and resources to support student learning.  I feel like I need to modify my plan and narrow it down to existing and emerging digital tools and resources.  I have learned that I need to start with the technology tools that I currently have and utilize them to their fullest.  Just today, I had a technology “game” training at my site.  It was a great way to look at the technology that is currently on my campus.  I was able to see some ways to engage my students while covering any kind of content with the technology I currently possess (SMARTboard, PowerPoint, and the Internet). The information and resources seem to be landing in my hands right now.  I would like to observe some classrooms, beginning at my site to see how technology is currently being implemented.  From there I would like to branch out and see what some other school sites are doing with technology.  I feel that this will be doable because I currently have a student teacher, which will allow me some freedom to go and observe some classrooms at my site.  Additionally, I need to find some articles or journals that can provide me with ideas or facts about current and existing technologies.  A question that I have wondered about, is what are some good journals to look into that may provide me with some ideas, facts, or data concerning technology and my goal.

As far as my second goal, I have run into a wall.  My second goal was to promote global awareness.  The teacher that I was to “practice” Skyping with has not been able to practice.  I would like to try and get that done so our students can make the next step.  I am wondering if I should modify this goal by setting this goal aside and try to focus more on the first goal.  Something else that I have considered is to try and initiate Skyping with this teacher when her school day ends.  She is three time zones ahead of me and I am hoping that if I can catch her at the end of her day then maybe I can proceed with this goal.  If anyone has any suggestions, I would really love your input.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Carrying Out My GAME Plan

My first goal was to evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice as well as looking at  existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning.  Resources needed to carry out this plan would be to attend professional development conferences, obtain academic journals, a journal for my students and myself to write reflections in or a digital recorder, communication with a staff member on my campus (who is heavily involved in technology), and other technology professionals in my district.  One step that I have already taken was to attend the California Association for the Gifted (CAG) conference March 3-4th.  I attended five technology workshops.  Two of these workshops left me feeling excited and eager to implement the technologies that the presenters were using in their classrooms.  Additional information that I would like to get a hold of is how current technologies have benefited K-3 students who come from limited socio-economic backgrounds.  I know that many times students who have low socio-economic backgrounds do not have access at home to many technologies found in schools.  Those students who are lucky enough to attend schools with any technology,

My second goal was to help my students to promote global awareness.  Resources that I would need to complete this goal are computers, microphones, headsets, Internet access, webcams, and an interested classroom teacher from a different location.  Steps that I have already taken are obtaining the above mentioned items to complete a communication session.  The teacher and I have set up dates to "practice" with each other prior to letting our students engage in a Skyping session.  Once the initial communication has happened, I think I will have a better idea as to what additional information I might need.  But these are some things I inquired about just yesterday: time zone, start time, lunch, and recess times as well.  This will help me have a better understanding of a good time to initiate communication. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Developing Your Personal GAME Plan

In the Engaging in professional growth and leadership NETS-T standard, is the first standard I would like to improve upon.  In the subcategory, “evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital 
tools and resources in support of student learning” my goal is to stay abreast in this area.
To reach this goal, plan on doing a couple of things.  First, connecting with other district personnel that specialize in technology and asking them about their current technology practices.  Asking them what technology tools help them relay content as well as what are some of the technology tools that their students enjoy using.  I would also inquire about what are some new or emerging tools that they have seen being used or things that they would like to use and how it will enhance student learning.  Another way that I would try to meet this goal is to attend any conferences or professional development regarding current technologies and/or emerging technologies.  After doing these two things, I would like to take a look at how the technologies can benefit my students and my needs.  I will keep a journal of any new technology tools that I am able to incorporate into my classroom and reflect on their effectiveness in my classroom.  A way in which I can evaluate and extend my learning is to involve my students.  I can ask them to blog about the new technologies and what they found beneficial and what they did not like.  After using the new technology for a couple of more weeks I can have the students reevaluate the technology to see if their opinions have changed.  If so, what factors caused the change and how can I use that information to improve upon the use of that technology.
The second NETS-T standard I would like to improve upon is “Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.”  My second goal would be to help my students be more aware of the world through the “develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using 
digital-age communication and collaboration tools” subcategory.  One way I would like to reach this goal is by having my students be pen pals with students from another state or country.  A way to monitor my progress as well as my students’ progress is to see what kinds of questions they are asking each other about their culture.  If I see that students are not asking good questions or questions that are going to help their understanding of the other person’s culture or way of life, I can step in and prompt them with some guiding questions.  This will help me to see where I might need to reteach certain skills.  I can communicate with the other teacher via email and Skype and keep log of our plans and concerns.   I can read through our emails and make note of things that have worked well and things that need to be altered or eliminated.  If the teacher decides that he or she would like to do pen pal activity again, we can both discuss the things that worked well, things that we would like to do differently, as well as new things we would like to incorporate into the student sessions.  To extend my learning, I would like to ask my fellow classmates about their ideas.  Any suggestions as to how I can extend my learning and how it will benefit myself as well as my students?  
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from   

Monday, October 24, 2011


            My “Personal Theory of Learning” from week one included two theories, social constructionism and behaviorism.  Social constructionism involves the use of conversation and collaboration in the learning process (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011).  Behaviorism uses reinforcement, punishment, and operant conditioning while students “learn as a response to the environment” (Lever-Duffy& McDonald, 2008, p. 15).  This course has deepened my knowledge and understanding of learning theory and the use of educational technology.  Furthermore, I have made some modifications to my theories because of this deepened understanding.   
            After reflecting upon my learning theories, I have come to the conclusion that I need to provide more collaboration and construction of artifacts.  All the theories presented in this course have all emphasized the importance of student centered learning.  Through technology, students can collaborate, not only in the school setting but also outside of the classroom.  No longer are students struggling to find time to meet together at someone’s house or a library to collaborate and construct artifacts.  Once a student has found information, it can be uploaded to a wiki or blog for others to find and reference.  Technology has also provided different ways in which students present their information.  Students can use various technology tools such as PowerPoint presentations, VoiceThreads, blogs, and wikis to create or utilize in their presentations.
            There are a few immediate adjustments I would like to make to my instructional practice regarding technology integration as a result of this course.  I would like to implement as many technology tools as possible into as many lessons as I can.  Right now I am using an LCD projector, PowerPoint presentations, and a SMARTboard to present information.  I would like the students to begin to create more PowerPoint presentations, VoiceThreads, and use the SMARTboard as learning tools.  After seeing the effect on student learning from last week’s application assignment, I can see the rich understanding in my students learning through the VoiceThreads and PowerPoint presentations.  This was the evidence I needed to see to help my students demonstrate their understanding, other than by using paper and pencil methods.  Because of this course my repertoire of instructional skills has expanded greatly.  I knew that technologies existed to support student learning, but was unaware of how to utilize them to best reach all learners.  This course has provided me with several ways in which I can enrich student learning and understanding.  VoiceThreads, concept mapping, virtual field trips, are all new tools to add to my repertoire that I did not have before.
            A long-term goal that I have is to help my students to become more familiar with PowerPoint presentations.  None of my students have ever created a PowerPoint presentation prior to being in my classroom.  I will create a project in which PowerPoint presentations can be an option for how to present information that the students have learned at least once a month.  This will help students to become more confident in their technology skills and prepare them for the future work place. 
Another long-term goal I have is to provide more use of my new SMARTboard.  This is the first year that I have had this piece of technology in my classroom.  It is also a learning experience for me.  I would like to provide opportunities for the students to manipulate the board more often.  At least twice a week, I will have students guide the class in correcting assignments, leading the class through a learning experience, or playing an interactive learning game.  These opportunities will strengthen student learning, confidence, and memory.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program three: Instructional theory vs.

learning theory [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and

technology. Retrieved from

Lever-Duffy, J., & McDonald, J. (2008). Teaching and learning with technology (3rd ed.

pp. 2–35). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory

After reading the chapter from our text that presented information about cooperative learning, I gained several insights and made some connections to the social learning theory through information presented by Dr. Orey.   Dr. Orey discussed several topics that pertain to the social learning theory.  One insight I gained from Dr. Orey stated that in a cooperative learning setting, each learner was responsible for everyone else’s learning (Laureate Education Inc., 2011).  The text supported that statement by stating that when students engage each other in groups, their learning is enhanced (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski, 2007, p. 139).  The text also suggested that during cooperative grouping situations, learners “make sense of, or construct meaning for, new knowledge by interacting with others” (Pitler et al, 2007, p. 139).  Dr. Orey goes on to state that when students teach each other, the understanding is deeper (Laureate Education Inc., 2011).  Another insight gained was when technology is added, Pitler el al, (2007) also suggested that “a modest increase in effect size” was shown in some studies.  Students can use technology to present their group’s findings with the rest of the class.  In addition, technology can also help students to gain understanding of global concerns via other students from around the world (Pitler et al, 2007, p. 145).  This is an example of something Dr. Orey presented in the video.  Orey stated that learners use context and culture to gain knowledge and understanding of our world (Laureate Education Inc., 2011).

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program eight: Social learning theories

Pitler H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with

classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Voice Thread